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< Taking-an-examination war >

What is taking-an-examination war? The educational organization on the basis of selection and competition according [ the origin of taking-an-examination war ] to an examination will be the requisite. That is, taking-an-examination war results in equal sign and an examination system.

However old a man of today may become, he says that he has a nightmare in the dream in which the examination was failed. What is the examination by which things trouble a man of today? The essence of an examination hell is hidden there. And the cause of having distorted the educational origin is also hidden there.

What is an experimental advantage? It is making it possible for a fixed standard to estimate a person and to sort out by it. The advantage of this examination turns into an experimental fault as it is.

Once a test question takes out an answer, finally it is. The rest is only a verification right [ it ] or wrong. however, not changing, once it takes out an answer etc. -- &-- actual society does not have the universal answer to say It is presumption.

It will finish, if an answer is taken out. It stops considering nothing. This is also the result of studying for an examination. The rest only waits for grading. However, since the actual problem took out the answer, it does not necessarily finish. It is not necessarily settled just because the answer came out. Rather, it is a problem from it and is new beginning. Responsibility will be derived if an answer is taken out. However, it will stop, if an answer is taken out with an examination, and it is.

What is necessary is just to consider sick medical treatment. If a certain condition appears, a certain illness is hidden there. If conditions differ from a situation also with the same illness, condition will change, and a cure is different. It may lose an effect, while also using medicine. A sick cure does not necessarily have uniformly the answer that it is this. A sick diagnosis does not go as a textbook. It is in a groping state.

If conditions change, an answer will also change. There are no certain conditions. Elements other than a condition also work. If a sick cause can be specified, the plan of medical treatment will be formed, and a measure is not formed, either, if it cannot specify. And the rightness of the diagnosis and medical treatment can achieve only results. That is, a result takes out an answer. This is actual.

It will finish, if an answer is taken out. If it finishes, it will be released from preparation for an examination, and will become easy. Shortly after being tamed by such environment, it is wanted to take out an answer. If it takes out, it will persist in the answer and accommodation will lose its effect on it. What there cannot be or cannot advance the necessity of taking out leaves a certain thing in the answer. Moreover, there is that an answer must be drawn over long time much actually. Life is a good example. If actual, it may become a correct answer at once and an answer may become a mistake later. The contrary also exists. It cannot make a living, if it persists in the answer taken out at once.

Fundamentally, the problem taken out to an examination is unrelated to an examinee. Since the test question was solved is not said and the trouble except being related with the results of oneselves an examination is not necessarily solved. Since the problem taken out to an examination does not have necessity for those who learn, it is a problem interest and concern are satisfactory. For there being neither interest nor concern, it is restrained over a long time. This is a kind of torture.

A certain part and the direction which is a video game have still joked [ interest ] very much. However, it is only escape from reality so that a video game may also be hell. Therefore, it is devoted.

The fixed answer must be prepared in order to grade an experimental answer. In order to make a test question, it is necessary to standardize the contents of study. In order to teach preparation for an examination, it enables it to take out an answer always. It is necessary to prepare an answer beforehand. However, the prepared answer is also different if a situation and conditions change.

The problem given to children is a problem which examines and which is accumulated and boiled fundamentally. It is the problem which was set up beforehand, was, and it was narrow and was completed. A precondition is also very special and the conditions which cannot exist actually are set up. a special example rare on an actual problem -- though it is, it is not not much actually helpful, or when simple, it does not spread

Therefore, these problems are hardly helpful to an actual problem.

In history, memorization of an age is meaningless. However, it examines, and since it does not spread, only making it memorize to be meaningless is lost. The direction which makes it memorize by being meaningless is also hot. It will stop, if it stops feeling hardness, and it is. What is learned from history or the essence is lost.

A teacher says out of desperation. this is the study for an examination.

There is a true problem actually. However, in school, a problem is separated from reality and set up. It becomes impossible now, to replace a problem actually. The problem which cannot exist actually, the problem of fabrication, and a fictitious problem are combed, and it is estimated by the answer. Children are rapidly isolated from reality and, finally will lose the capability to solve an actual problem, and energy.

If the orderly problem can be set up, it is comparatively easy to draw an answer. It is difficult to set up as a problem which found out the problem from the actual world and put it in order.

Children are forced to solve the problem beforehand prepared in the answer in the method that this was also set up beforehand. And you have to solve a problem by within a time [ which was given ]. Any answers other than this are not allowed. When severe, I do not have even an answer sheet after grading shown. Such non-tea is not allowed in other worlds. Is it said that only mark are required?

The given problem is solved as given to within a time [ which was able to be given ]. Such a thing is rare in actual life and actual society. Since all the members solve the same problem all at once, they say that it is Taira etc. Supposing it is true equality, it is it foolish that it is equal. It is not it the low problem of such a dimension that it is equal. In order to make oneself easy to manage, the present examination system is 1.
Isn't only watch convenience only good?

Taking out an answer will only be considered supposing it is language asking [ which passes an examination ]. Therefore, the man who can only do having said increases. On the contrary, anything that was said will be done as [ said ]. There is no room for its idea and judgment to work there. This is a kind of mental derangement person. That is, the present education has produced the mental derangement person in large quantities.

An examination is not necessarily bad. It is bad that the examination is governing educational [ all ].

Once it is established as a social system, various rights will occur. What is connected with the rights tends to keep the system.

The same phenomenon also as an examination system is seen. The examination system has produced various rights. And the person gathering around the rights has expelled those who aim at the ideal of original education from the educational spot.

After all, if it is only passing an examination, even if it declares the purpose of the present education, it is not an overstatement. Therefore, a teacher with the experimental high rate of success is praised.

Their convenience or expectation are not forced. You should consider a child's thing purely. It can perform meeting, and improving education, if there is nothing etc., and it does not have an end.

The future is children's thing. While it turns out that it is bad, what giving to children is continued is a crime to all human beings.

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