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< Prologue >

In order to go to a reason and a good school. Why does it go to JAA and a good school? In order to work for a good company. Why does it work for a good company? Since it works for a good company and becomes great. Why does it become great? Since it does not become father. Now, it is not explained. It is the most important for life, and if a pleasant period is made to pass idly at all, parents have duty in which it explains to a child exactly.

Children are not foolish, either. It turns out that as for itself studying now also to children stands on no role when making a living from now on. not only children but parents, and a teacher -- adults -- all are understood Therefore, an effective answer cannot be carried out. And the opinion of a partner will be held down by force.

in the end -- worlds, such as study, -- not being helpful -- not helpful -- things -- studying -- a place -- meaning -- it is -- etc. -- a translation -- not understanding -- things -- beginning speaking -- settlement -- it is .

The fundamental thing lacks in the present education. It comes out to society, and in order to make a living, what is saying whether it is required. If it is said, many teachers will say that it is not only it. Surely, there may be what should be studied in addition to it. However, come out to society, and still, even if it sets aside whether it is no, when making a living, it is [ whether the educational origin is direct and ] helpful.

After coming out to society, if you are going to make it study compulsorily that it turns out that it stands on no role, rebounding will be received intensely. Study which is not helpful is not carried out in the actual world. That is because it becomes the futility of time, a labor, and Kin. Even if it does such a thing, anything does not have a good thing. This is the problem of common sense. However, this common sense is not accepted in the spot of a school.

When children feel a question for they studying, it is the feeling of despair said that feeling makes a living upwards actually and that they are learning stands on no role first probably.

And children notice immediately what that is said that parents and the teacher know for. Is sense of reliability born to parents or a teacher in such a relation? It is different. It is different. Only the thought deceived by parents and the teacher of having been betrayed only remains. A confidential relation with the thing most important when making a living, parents, or a teacher, and it are betrayed first. Although this world is convinced that nobody is trusted, it does not have wonderful. Consequently, hopeless human distrust is planted. This is an educational result after the war.

by such "TEITARAKU", neither a teacher nor parents needs to tell a child a lie -- though it is said that people must not be deceived, children follow an order obediently -- does it come out? The speech and conduct of teachers or parents are contradictory from the beginning. It is impossible.

When we go by work to the United States, do we open the textbook of English of a junior high school? Nobody opens. That is because all the things that the textbook of a junior high school stands on no role when working in the United States are known.

If it is going to work to the United States or is going to talk for a foreigner, a general man will go to an English-conversation school. However, such an English-conversation school is not a regular school. English currently taught in the regular school is not understood. Is English currently taught in the school which is not regular helpful? And in an English-conversation school, a long time is not taken for English conversation to be made to be made. Such English is called practical English.

why -- Japan -- practical English -- does a thing exist? That is, doesn't English currently learned in school mean admitting not being practical tacitly?

What is English which is not practical? Language is only the tool of communication. There is no significance of existence, such as language which is not helpful to practical use.

However, in our country, English which is not used is respected and practical English is looked down upon. It may sometimes even be cured by the pronunciation which teaches natural pronunciation in the worst-case scenario in school.

It wants without teaching English etc., if the wrong pronunciation is taught.

It will meet many foreigners, if you walk along a town. Probably, the people which entered a country temporarily by the sightseeing tour are also. Moreover, while work is searched for and language has not been known, either, many people which have visited Japan are also. Probably, those who entered a country unlawfully are also in inside. There are many some persons who have not received regular education. If required those who have not received regular education, or in order to live, it will cease to be in need of conversation also for babble every day.

How many English did we really study? Even easy conversation is not made while one side will receive education for several years for about ten years depending on the case by learning language study before one year passes by for one of the two to have not received regular education. Now, undoubtedly Japanese people are wrong in a much inferior race and education. Does an educator accept that Japanese people are inferior one?

that that the professor of a university was said first of all learned by studying for an examination although I studied physics at the university, and a high school -- forget the studied time thing early was said It was said that it might become an obstacle to have studied by taking an examination in the study in a university not to mention it is not helpful. Now, it does not understand [ whether he has studied without night's also going to sleep for what purpose, and ] anymore. It is not rewarded. However, this is the actual condition of studying for an examination.

Therefore, after passing a university, many prep students feel despondency. And he will not study. For what purpose does it go to a university by this?

Kids is asked to parents why why. Asking why is the origin of learning. however, asking why in school itself -- it will forbid Why does he study? A student is not allowed to hear that it is helpful to what. however, it is alike intently and a teacher makes students concentrate only on solving the given problem

Children's simple question and simple curiosity will also be suppressed in a curriculum. Simple curiosity will also be crushed before studying. What is really referred to as educating how? How about gazing at [ room education or before saying ] a pure pupil to children? Pure bud to learning is grasped there.

Room will not be made if time of study is shortened. It is more important to make curiosity maintain. A child's simple question and simple curiosity are a precious article. A school is not the place where parents get rid of a child. In order to increase a teacher's holiday, it is nonsense which shorten school hours. A child's mind is important. Education is not realized at the place which disregarded a child's heart and feeling. You have to carry out somehow the feeling of disillusion which a child holds in school. A school is very pleasant. Going home is disagreeable. If children begin to consider so, the educational purpose is attained almost.

With what is it called room? room to say now -- education -- the fault of a thing is having missed the educational origin

If the entrance ceremony of an elementary school approaches, children will swell a breast in a dream and will press as that he wants to carry a satchel on the back and to go to school early. Have the country and the adult replied to children's hope and dream? Probably, dream and hope of children are crushed.

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