The economy is an artificial space created by humans.

People live within reconstructed spaces that are formed by real things, by their space and consciousness.
Things exist in a space in which real things exist. In a world that is reconstructed by human consciousness, things that people do not recognize do not exist.

An artificial space is a space that becomes real through one’s consciousness.
The economy is an artificial space created by humans.

We have self-service gasoline stations, unmanned train stations, unmanned helicopters, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned factories, unmanned ticket vending machines, unmanned contract machines - these days anything and everything is becoming unmanned. Some people are touting hype that anything can go well if it is made unmanned.

In idealized visions of the future as well, anything and everything are all well depicted in mechanized unmanned societies. Through robotics, human workers will be gone, and unmanned factories running on autopilot will produce unmanned aircraft, unmanned vehicles and unmanned trains. This is all being depicted as though it will be an ideal society. And what is more, even unmanned wars will be waged, and with anything and everything being mechanized and automated, people will no longer have to do any work.
A safe and affluent society can be realized without working. Now that is something that people would probably like to be able to say.
However, people are the ones who are running the economy. An unmanned economy will not be able to carry on. This is also because the mechanisms for distributing money will no longer function.
Labor is at the root of a liberal economy in which people receive remuneration for their labor. And through mechanisms to receive a distribution of money within the scope of that remuneration, the market economy and money economy are able to function. We simply can not afford to say that labor is not required and we do not need to work. If we want a system in which people do not need to work, then it is necessary to fundamentally change our current society. To say that, “They who will not work shall not eat,” is to speak a fundamental principle.
Nearsighted unmanned attempts at cost reduction only serve to deprive people of employment opportunities. An economy with no people is meaningless.
Using unmanned approaches only in pursuit of economic efficiency is a concept that eliminates the human factor from the economy and from society. Mechanization and efficiency are not bad things in and of themselves. Without thinking about the meaning of the workings of expenses and the work people do, and giving the highest absolute priority to being competitive through cost reductions and unmanned operations is wrong because people are the main issue. It is not an issue of expenses and machinery.
The economy is not just about eliminating waste. But rather, the economy exists with wastefulness.
Moves toward unmanned operations, cost reduction and efficiency can only end up with mass production and mass consumption.
And what lies ahead is such problems as the squandering and wasteful use of resources and the exploitation and the destruction of the environment.
And this is what has shaped the focus of our society of today.

There should be uniform opportunities for working.
Means of production and resources are unevenly distributed.
Employment is the most important thing in a modern economy. Labor is what creates employment. In other words, this is all about jobs. This is something we have forgotten about. And, we are making efforts toward unmanned operations. We are working hard to reduce costs. But by reducing labor, we are reducing jobs.

Economic problems can be said to be rooted in the imbalances in the production areas of resources, the distribution of the labor force, and the positioning of consumption areas. But, because these imbalances exist, we can say that money is flowing.
At the same time that the deviations in resources, populations and consumption are the driving forces that move the economy, they are also the factors that create deviations in the economy.
The important thing is that it is not characteristic for the deviations in resources, population and consumption to be resolved by just leaving them as they are. There is nothing to do but to artificially improve them.

The problem of immigrants is also a problem of how well funds are circulating while adjusting these imbalances.

There is no other solution but to make funds flow through international business, thereby creating new markets. To that end, this means creating productive jobs.
This does not necessarily limited to large-scale public investment.
There are plenty of jobs available that people need in order to live. There are small shops and restaurants, food stalls, clothing stores, shopping streets. This means creating a space in which people can live independently if even modestly.
The most effective work is building communities. It is about people creating their own living spaces on their own terms. Town planning is at the root of business. It means people being able to enthusiastically create their own spaces, by and for themselves, and through their own efforts.

Some people today have the idea that labor, that working, is something bad. That with the drudgery of labor, workers are but like slaves. Indeed, working may not be easy. But, working is hardly suffering.
Working is inherently a joyful activity. This is because a person’s budding self-realization actually lies within the work they do.
People do not work for money.
People work for the sake of those they love, for their cherished families.
Working for the sake of one’s children is a joy.
When the reason for working becomes perverted and becomes for the sake of money, the joy of working is lost.
People are not meant to work just to receive money.
To put it bluntly, working just for money will disrupt one’s home life.

The economy is none other than the activities that people need to live their lives.

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Copyright(C) 2015.10.7Keiichirou Koyano