What should be corrected is not the past but the present.

What should be corrected is not the past but the present.
The past is corrected to make the present better. Sticking to the past will not correct the present, and it is like putting the cart before the horse.
A war occurs when an economic problem develops into a political problem. Hidden economic problems lie at the root of a war.
When economic or political systems fail to work properly, people attempt to solve problems by taking violent means. This is what a war is.
The present international conditions are beginning to quite resemble those on the eve of World War II. We should not repeat the same mistakes.
Sticking to historical issues is an act that will pull the world back to the days before World War I.
What is different from the days before World War I is that totalitarian countries now possess nuclear or biochemical weapons.

People must truly understand to their very souls just how dangerous it is to promote ideas aiming to preserve their own power by sacrificing certain ethnic groups and races and encouraging nationalistic patriotism.

What should we be afraid of? Is it the imperialism, militarism or authoritarianism of the past? Or is it the totalitarianism, racism, or nationalism of the present?
Why do controlled economy, planned economy and totalitarian countries collapse? And why don’t liberal countries collapse? Why does a state-controlled economy collapse? And why doesn’t a market economy collapse?
Behind this mystery is a rule that has a decisive influence on the economy. It is not just thinking but it contains pragmatic meaning.
Both political and economic systems can maintain their balance because of bidirectional actions. Bidirectional actions bring “money” and circulatory movement of people to the system. It is liberal system that sustains the political and economic systems by the circulatory movement.

In both political and economic fields, a balance of power cannot be maintained only by unidirectional actions. The system cannot maintain its balance only with unidirectional actions and it would split off. Transactions create economic symmetry. Transactions have the function of setting the economic value at a zero-sum relationship though the exchange of commodities and money and of objectifying economic value. Transactions are completed in two steps, that is, “money”/“resources” and “resources”/”money.” Such steps are present even in a single transaction. The duality of transactions, i.e., the exchange of commodities and money and the exchange of money and commodities, produces zero-sum and action-reaction relationships. The duality of transactions forms the relationships of claims and obligations. This is a source for the equilibrium of a money economy. The zero-sum and action-reaction relationships generated in market transactions produce the circulation of “money.”

In contrast, in a controlled economy, planned economy and totalitarianism, the foundation is distribution by direct means rather than indirect means such as money or markets. That’s why the bidirectional actions of commodities and money are not produced under a controlled economy, planned economy and totalitarianism. Only unidirectional actions work there. Accordingly, the economic motions are not cyclic, circulative or rotary motions.

A liberal system comes into effect by circulating “money” to prevent the breakup of the distribution structure as well as the emergence of a hierarchy.
In a controlled economy and planned economy, there is no bidirectional action. Only unidirectional flow can be produced. A controlled economy and totalitarian system cannot stably control the circulatory motion of commodities and money through their own power.
Therefore, current controlled economy, planned economy and totalitarian systems entail the risk of breakup because they cannot sustain the system through their own power and would lose their centripetal force unless they depended on a medium that maintained the circulatory motion. There is a risk that the circulation of goods and funds will not be sustained, and goods and funds move in a unidirectional flow that brings strains and biases to an economy. If such strains and biases were left as they are, the society would split and a hierarchy would emerge.

A totalitarian system, controlled economy system and socialist system tend to be hierarchized in an economic sense.
Stocked funds mean poor efficiency of fund operations. In common speech, such funds are said to be sleeping.
When the society is economically hierarchized, the gap between rich and poor widens.
The rich begin to stock funds. In a hierarchized society, fund operations are biased and fund efficiency drops.

If resources are distributed by direct means rather than indirect means such as through currency or markets, overall circulation of the funds is not brought about.
If resources of the labor force are distributed by direct means rather than indirect means such as through currency or markets, it will be difficult for the circulation of individuals and money to be brought about.
Classes tend to be generated. By necessity, social change will happen through violent means.
Production and consumption are dissymmetric, which makes a planned economy and controlled economy difficult.
Stocked funds mean poor efficiency of fund operations. In common speech, such funds are said to be sleeping.
Hierarchization biases fund operations and fund efficiency drops.
When the society is economically hierarchized, the gap between rich and poor widens.
The rich begin to stock funds and the efficiency of fund operations declines remarkably.

A totalitarian system and controlled economy are not measures backed by national consensus, that is, economic control is difficult because institutional support is not given.
Under a totalitarian system and state-controlled system, economic problems can be eventually solved only through violent measures.
It is difficult to ensure consistency between a liberal system and totalitarian, controlled economy and socialist systems.
If the economic system is different, it is difficult to solve economic disputes drastically.
If a dispute cannot be settled diplomatically, violent means may be employed in the end.

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