The issue of comfort women is a human-rights problem.

The issue of comfort women is a human-rights problem. Japanese politicians do not understand this point. The problem is not whether this issue is a historic fact but how these women are viewed. A tragedy like this is not always brought about by war. It may be also brought about by poverty. And it may be brought about as some sort of discrimination. Whenever women are forced to serve as prostitutes, it must be taken seriously irrespective of who the forcer is, the military or the private sector. We can’t see the essence of the issue because the question is focused on whether or not the state or the military was involved. Also, the rights and wrongs involved in an act of prostitution are another problem. In short, the problem is whether or not there was an act committed against a person’s will. We should not allow such acts like human trafficking.

The Japanese must make every effort possible not to repeat such a tragedy.
Anyway, the weak are always the most vulnerable in times of war including the elderly, women and children. Every politician must keep this fact firmly in mind.

The essence of national defense is what is to be defended, and against what the defensive actions are to be taken. The Japanese do not seem to understand these problems well.
In nation states, national defense means to defend the public against a foreign enemy. However, what is to be defended depends on the definition of the public.
In some cases, communism or socialism denies the concept of a state from the beginning. For them, confrontation means vertical confrontation among the classes. They do not recognize horizontal confrontation among states.

Wars do not disappear because there are reasons for war. Without understanding this, wars cannot be eliminated. Even if we merely cry out against war, wars will not be eliminated. If we truly want wars to be eliminated, we have to eliminate the reasons for war.
The biggest cause of a war is starvation. That is to say, the basis is the economy. People fight putting their lives in danger because a war is a struggle for survival. It is the same as a territory issue. People fight because they cannot survive if the territory were invaded.
In nature, the breeding is generally controlled before slaughter occurs. The basis for fighting is related to survival.

A territorial issue is a political, historical and economic issue. If pursued further, a territorial issue is a problem of thoughts, religion, races and state systems. It is certain, however, that economic motivations are at work as an essential factor. Without economic motivations, it is unnecessary to expose territorial ambitions at a great risk. People become aggressive and even risk their lives because it is difficult for them to survive without doing so.

People tend to regard economic reasons as vulgar reasons. But an economic reason may have huge implications. If a war was started mainly for economic reasons, this would enable us to change the way we think about war.

If the cause of a war is an ideological or a historical issue, there is no room for compromise. If an economic problem is the cause of a war, there is room for negotiating. The role of politics to find a point of compromise.

In other words, there are means to avoid a war if it might be started for economic reasons. If a war is caused by other reasons, there is no room for compromise. If you want to avoid a war, you should give priority to solving economic issues. But, in some cases, a problem like a nuclear weapons issue, which cannot be solved only from an economic aspect, may arise. In such a case, it is necessary to clarify the order of priority. This is also the role politics must play.

The economy involves distribution. This is why the free market economy must be sustained. A smoothly functioning market economy improves the distribution efficiency. For that purpose, sustaining the free market economy is crucial. Therefore, thoughts and philosophy become an issue.

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