The reason why the mature phase turns to one of decline is this failure to convert from quantity to quality.

There is nothing more dangerous than a scientist without religion.
The reason is that truth is on the side of God.
What is on the side of a person is relative awareness.
Science is faith.

Do not turn your back on God.

If freedom is based on such things as expansion of the economy, growth, or technological innovation, freedom will be lost when economic growth, market expansion, and technological innovation reach their limitations. However, when freedom reaches its limits, its real value is put to question.
Mathematics is not based on something that is diffuse, expansive, or infinite.
Rather, the essence of mathematics should lie in its convergence, contraction, and finiteness.
Maturity does not necessarily mean a decline. Maturity is the apex of prosperity. Maturity changes into a decline because it misrepresents changes in conditions and appropriate policies cannot be put into practice. The workings of debt are also different in its growth phase and mature phase. In other words, a decline is caused by errors in policy.
Growth and expansion are supported by quantitative factors, but in its mature stage a market becomes saturated and an expansion in quantitative terms cannot be expected. Put another way, what is necessary is a conversion from quantity to quality. The reason why the mature phase turns to one of decline is this failure to convert from quantity to quality.

Extremes of deregulation serve to upset the discipline in a market, which then leads to a market with oligopoly, monopoly, or protectionism.
To achieve equitable and fair transactions, it is essential that uniform rules be established.

Why do we need to compete? Why do we need to be made to compete? It is reckless to ignore meaningless competition and regard competition as an absolute principle. Absolute deregulation brings about excessive competition. A market economy is based upon appropriate profits.
If appropriate profits cannot be obtained, the inevitable consequence will be a descent into a state of oligopoly or monopoly.

Appropriate profits are comprised of appropriate profits and appropriate expenses.
There are reasons why exporting at low cost is possible. One reason is that the currency of the exporting country is relatively cheaper than the currency of the importing country. A second reason is low costs. The largest reason why costs are low is the cost of labor.

The problem with this is whether poverty, inequality and a poor working environment are being exported at the price of that cheap labor.

Why are cheap labor costs even possible? Are people being made to work at unreasonably low labor costs? It could be that they are being made to work in poor working environments.
Fair competition cannot be maintained unless it is premised on the same factors. In order to achieve fair competition, it is necessary to confirm what the labor conditions are like, what the standard of living is like, and whether there is disparity or discrimination in the working environment. Then, regulations should be implemented as necessary.

In order to protect the market when unfair competition is rampant, becoming protectionist is inevitable.

This does not mean shutting out individual countries by means of tariffs. It means making it possible to compete under the same conditions. It does not mean implementing irrational deregulations.

Without trade with the international sector, the population also remains constant, and the living environment and life styles do not change.
Prices will be constant as long as the production of the necessary resources for living is constant and the volume of the currency does not change. However, prices will fluctuate if there are any insufficiencies in people, things, or money. Prices are formed on a very delicate balance.
People, things, and money are not static factors. They are constantly fluctuating.

First of all, this is a population problem. It is a matter of how many people are needed to procure the resources required by the entire population and whether the population is secured. And population trends and the composition of the population will undergo changes. What kind of effects do living standards and lifestyle changes have on prices? The changes in a population occur in a long-term cycle. However, the styles and levels of living can change rapidly. Looking at the days when electricity and gas were not so widespread and today, the quality and quantity of essential necessities are significantly different, and there is a remarkable difference in the impact that supply and demand have on prices.
Next, this is a matter of production volume. Is it possible to procure within the country the required living resources for the entire population? If the resources necessary for living cannot be procured only within the country, it is necessary to procure the insufficient resources from abroad.
To that end, if there is a shortage of resources, the issue is by what means and from where should they be procured.
Besides trade, there are other means of procurement that include violent measures such as robbery and war.
Fundamentally, it is a matter of life and death. Survival is not possible unless the resources necessary to live are secured.
Today, it is impossible for one country to try to establish an economy on its own. The reason why an economy cannot be established in one country alone is that there are military issues involved.

And finally, it is a matter of money. Money is something different from people and things. First of all, money is a means of distribution. Second, money is something that it must be evenly distributed in advance. Third, money is something that must be circulated.
Money must be circulated and not simply distributed. Money must be redistributed at the same time it is collected. If any surpluses or shortages arise, we make use of lending and borrowing measures, and lending and borrowing form the money stock. The relationship between this money stock and money flow has a decisive influence on prices.
Taxation is another means to be used other than lending and borrowing. Taxation has the role of forcibly collecting funds from the market, redistributing them, and circulating the funds.

There are two fund flows: income and expenditure, and borrowing and repayment. Borrowed money alone does not increase the money stock.
Debt in the unit period and income are consistent. The reason is that borrowing is income as well.
Income and expenditure, and borrowing and lending have zero sum relationships. Borrowing and income also have zero sum relationships.
Funds in income that are not used for consumption are accumulated in the money stock as savings.
Saving is the borrowing of the financial sector.
While the money stock is growing, funds will continue to be supplied to the market. To reduce the funds, liquidating the debt is necessary. Capitalization is one of the ways to liquidate the debt.
Privatization means introducing the principle of periodic profit and loss.
Credit and debit have zero sum relationships, as do revenues and expenses, and assets and liabilities.
As the money stock continues to expand, the supply of funds will continue to increase, and the time value will also increase. Excess debt is also an over-asset, as the money stock will be expanded not only by borrowing, but loans will also increase the money stock, equal to the borrowing. When hearing about leverage, the money stock is further expanding. This can be viewed as a credit transaction. If the loss expands, it will be subject to more margin. At that time, the principal beneath the surface has ballooned many times. Nominal collateral is guarantee money, real borrowing is principal, and this will dominate the real balance. This is a pitfall of an economy based on credit transactions.

Everyone will die. Saints, sages, philosophers, rogues, monks, dictators, wealthy people, and poor people all will die.
Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and atheists all will die. That is the will of God. Death is our fate.
Death does not justify our conduct. However, death is a difficult-to-move reality.
The truth is in living.

God is not fueling hatred. It is people that are fueling hatred. The chain of hatred must be cast off.

God does not say anything. But we must carry through God's commands. I may be buried in the depths of darkness. Yet, I do not mind. I am the servant of God.
Before death everyone is equal.

Do not turn your back on God. Do not be ashamed when coming face to face with God.

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